1. Predstavenie produktu panelu ozvučnice
The Sound baffle panel is a panel that is hanging on the ceiling vertically in a row. And they can be in different colors and shapes, it is made of dense and porous sound-absorbing board by hot pressing and needle punching of polyester fiber. Its full-frequency sound-absorbing function is very significant
2. Špecifikácia panelu ozvučnice
Core |
Polyesterové vlákno |
Hrúbka |
9mm 12mm |
Size |
V rozmedzí 1220x2420mm |
Weight |
1,2-2 kg / m² |
0.6-0.95 |
Funkcia |
Nehorľavý a akustický |
3. Aplikácie ozvučnice
The sound baffle is the ideal panel to be used in public place, especially for those places that have high ceiling. For example, Cinema, theater, healthcare center, shopping malls, clubs, education room, stadium, canteens, leisure center. It can reduce the sound reverberation and make the sound more clear
4. Qualification of Sound baffle panel
Máme 7 moderných dielní a výrobných liniek s patentovanou technológiou na výrobu stabilných výrobkov. Spoločnosť Qdboss vyrába ozvučný panel so zníženou horľavosťou, akustický panel zo sklenených vlákien zabalený do tkaniny, akustický strop zo sklenených vlákien.
5 Ako funguje akustická ozvučnica?
There are a large number of tiny interconnected pores inside the baffle. Acoustic waves can penetrate into the baffle along these pores, and frictional action with the material, converts sound energy into heat energy. After friction, the sound energy fades and less reverberation.
6 How to Install Sound baffle panel
Simple process as below:
Panel vyrežte na požadovanú veľkosť - Nainštalujte závesné príslušenstvo na ozvučnicu - označte miesto inštalácie na strope - Nasaďte skrutku na strop - zaveste ozvučnicu